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For Children

Children's Book Lists & Recommendations

Juvenile Mysteries 

Science & STEAM 

Sports Fans 

Beyond Princesses 

6th Grade Readers

Reading Level M-N

Reading Level O-P 

Reading Level Q-R 

There are many great online resources to help you find the right book!  For leveled reading, use Scholastic Book Wizard, which lets you search by level, or look up what level a particular book is.

Look up a favorite fiction book to see read-alike recommendations with NoveList K-8. Novelist K-8 is also a good source for lists of recommended books for various ages and types of fiction.  

Novelist K-8 

Other websites that will help you find read-alikes:


Guys Read

Rick's Reading Recommendations (Percy Jackson read-alikes)

Award Winning Books:

ALSC Book and Media Awards

National Book Awards

Caldecott Medal & Honor Books

Boston Globe- Horn Book Awards

Garden State Children's Book Awards



The New Providence Memorial Library has published many book lists for children and readers of all ages in its collection on Pinterest.  

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We love seeing so many people in our thriving New Providence community using the Library. Our numbers have never been higher! Whether you come to the library to sit and read, stay and work, attend programs, discuss great books, listen to author talks, meet with special interest groups, borrow materials, or shop in our bookstore, we love seeing you here!

It is clear that our library provides so many things for different groups of people. We appreciate every child, student, teen, adult, and senior who comes through our door and becomes part of our library family. We hope you'll join us!

~ Stacey Maisch, Library Director