BrainFuse HelpNow
CLICK HERE to get to BrainFuse. (Have your NP Library card number handy to login.)
BrainFuse HelpNow - Brainfuse HelpNow features LIVE online tutoring daily between 2:00-11:00 PM. BrainFuse also enables students to submit questions to tutors, take class notes, watch recorded lessons and study guide videos, play quiz games, and take practice tests (including ACT, SAT, GED, College Readiness and State tests). Students can share files with tutors for review in the Writing Lab. In both English & Spanish.
Have your NP Library card ready to login. You will be asked to type in your 14-digit barcode number, then you will create a user ID so BrainFuse can save your progress and create a message center for communication between students and tutors.
BrainFuse offers Middle School & High School Students:
- Live Tutoring
- Send a Question
- Writing Lab
- Flashcards & Study Games
- Skills Surfer
- Language Lab
- MEET Study Sessions
- Brainwave Recorded Study
- Live Chess Tutors
BrainFuse offers College Prep & College Students:
- Live Tutoring
- Send a Question
- Writing Lab
- Flashcards & Study Games
- Skills Surfer
- ACT, SAT, College Readiness Test Prep
- MEET Study Sessions
- eParachute Majors & Skills Guidance
- FAFSA Application Help
BrainFuse offers Elementary Students:
- Live Tutoring
- Send a Question
- Writing Lab
- Flashcards & Study Games
- Skills Surfer
- Language Lab
- Live Chess Tutors
Have your 14-digit barcode number ready (on the back of your NP Library card) and create a User ID to login. Then click around to find lots of fantastic help in a variety of subject areas for middle school, high school, college prep, AP classes and more.
Scroll through highlights and screen shots in our BrainFuse HelpNow newsletter here. The New Providence Memorial Library is proud to provide this valuable subscription service to New Providence residents, free of charge.
High School Resources
Academic Search Premier
A multidisciplinary research database with articles from over 3,000 full-text journals and magazines.
BrainFuse Help Now - Submit questions to tutors, take class notes, track homework assignments, and access flashcards and practice tests. Students can share files with tutors for review.
Comics Plus
Thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga without any waitlists or monthly limits. Read online or in the ComicsPlus app! Explore a diverse selection of new and backlist titles from ABDO, Andrews McMeel, BOOM! Studios, Capstone, Dark Horse, Europe Comics, Fantagraphics, Humanoids, Image Comics, Kodansha, Lerner, Manga Classics, Oni Press, Papercutz, Tokyopop, TOON Books, UDON Entertainment, Yen Press, and dozens more.
Explora Secondary Schools
Look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects and homework with a visual, easy to browse interface. For grades 6-12.
LinkedIn Learning
More than 3,000 online courses in these categories: 3D and animation, audio and music, business, CAD, design, developer, education and e-learning, IT, marketing, photography, video and web.
MasterFILE Elite
Full-text magazines, periodicals and reference books on a wide range of subject areas, and an extensive collection of photos, maps and flags.
NJ MVC Practice Driving Tests & Manual
Study the NJ Driving Manual and take practice tests to prepare you for the written test to earn your New Jersey Graduated License permit. Free downloadable manual and free practice tests online for all ages.
Read e-books and listen to audiobooks in the Libby by Overdrive app, or send ebooks to a Kindle. Overdrive books may have waiting lists. Need a book right now? Browse available ebooks, audiobooks and Kindle books. Log in with your library card barcode number and PIN (last 4 digits of your card number).
Points of View
Essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. Over 200 topics, each with an overview, argument and opposing argument.
NPSD School Summer Reading
Click above to reach the NPSD School Summer Reading page with links to requirements for Elementary, Middle and High School students.
Middle School Resources
BrainFuse Help Now - Submit questions to tutors, take class notes, track homework assignments, and access flashcards and practice tests. Students can share files with tutors for review.
Comics Plus
Thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga without any waitlists or monthly limits. Read online or in the ComicsPlus app! Explore a diverse selection of new and backlist titles from ABDO, Andrews McMeel, BOOM! Studios, Capstone, Dark Horse, Europe Comics, Fantagraphics, Humanoids, Image Comics, Kodansha, Lerner, Manga Classics, Oni Press, Papercutz, Tokyopop, TOON Books, UDON Entertainment, Yen Press, and dozens more.
Explora Secondary Schools
Look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects and homework with a visual, easy to browse interface. For grades 6-12.
MiddleSearch Plus
Popular middle school magazines and reference books, as well as biographies and primary source documents.
Read e-books and magazines, and listen to audiobooks in the Libby by Overdrive app, or send ebooks to a Kindle. Books may have waiting lists. Need a book right now? Browse available ebooks, audiobooks and Kindle books. Log in with your library card barcode number and PIN.
Points of View
Essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. Over 200 topics, each with an overview, argument and opposing argument.
NPSD School Summer Reading
Click above to reach the NPSD School Summer Reading page with links to requirements for Elementary, Middle and High School students.