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Library Apps

Your library card gets you FREE access to all of the apps below! Download them in the App Store or Google Play.  Use your 14 digit library card barcode and your PIN (the last four digits of your library barcode) to log in, or to create a login. 



comics plus

ComicsPlus offers digital comics, graphic novels, and manga without any waitlists or limits. 


EBSCO Mobile

ebsco mobile

EBSCO Mobile helps you find full-text journal articles and ebooks for your research anywhere, anytime on your mobile device.


kanopy app

The Kanopy app streams mainstream, independent, classic, foreign and documentary films plus content for children. Download it onto a phone, tablet, or smart TV.



libby app

Check out and read ebooks, digital magazines, and digital audiobooks in the Libby app.


LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning offers thousands of tech, business and creative on-demand video courses from coding to business and IT. Tap "Sign In", then Sign in with your library card" (the blue link). The library ID is nplibrary. 


MAIN Library Alliance

main library app

Use the MAIN Library Alliance app to manage your account, search the catalog, renew, reserve books and pay fines or fees over a certain amount with a credit card.


Mango Languages

mango app

Mango Langages offers customizable courses for more than 70 world languages, including English taught in other languages. Sign up for an app login at


Palace Project

palace project

Read or listen to library ebooks and audiobooks in the Palace Project app. Go to Settings, tap Add Library, and search for New Providence. 


Reference Solutions 

data axle

The Data Axle Reference Solutions App can help you find new business opportunities, research executives and companies, and look up business & consumer addresses and phone numbers.

The app does not offer the full functionality of the web-based version of Reference Solutions. Download the app in the App Store or Google PlayEnter zip code 07974, and select New Jersey State Library.



The Tumblebooks app offers animated, talking picture books for children and read-along chapter books. Download in the
 App Store or Google Play.

Discover, Collaborate, Connect

Your Library is the place to be!

We love seeing so many people in our thriving New Providence community using the Library. Our numbers have never been higher! Whether you come to the library to sit and read, stay and work, attend programs, discuss great books, listen to author talks, meet with special interest groups, borrow materials, or shop in our bookstore, we love seeing you here!

It is clear that our library provides so many things for different groups of people. We appreciate every child, student, teen, adult, and senior who comes through our door and becomes part of our library family. We hope you'll join us!

~ Stacey Maisch, Library Director