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Teen Book Review Blog

Samyu's Review of "This Poison Heart" by Kalynn Bayron

Review by Samyu
December 9, 2021
This poison heart bayron

5 stars of 5

This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron is a thrilling book, captivating readers from the moment they start it. The story is a mystical thriller, with an unexpected twist at the end. As readers traverse through the book, they learn more and more about the main character, Briseis, and the strange connections she has with her new house. They learn about an ability of hers that is as dangerous as it is powerful., and this story takes readers through a journey like no other. Briseis and her family encounter much more than they signed up for on this adventure. And, while they find out more about the past, someone is working against them, stopping them from achieving their goal. The detail and thought put into the story makes it teeming with life. Readers are guaranteed to be hooked onto this story. 

YA fiction, YA fantasy, This Poison Heart, Kalynn Bayron, The Secret Garden, mystical

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Alanna’s Review of “All These Bodies” by Kendare Blake

Review by Alanna

November 29, 2021

All these bodies Blake

3 stars of 5

All These Bodies by Kendare Blake

In her newly-released book All These Bodies, New York Times bestselling author Kendare Blake creates both an unusual story and a masterful example of turning true events into fiction adaptations. In the summer of 1958, a murderous spree made headlines as it swept across three midwest states, leaving a trail of sixteen lifeless bodies and thousands of terrorized people in its wake.  Loosely paralleling the grisly murders of teenage serial killer Charlie Starkweather and his girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate, Blake effectively delivers true crime and urban legend in one YA thriller. 

YA fiction, All These Bodies, Kendare Blake, True Crime, Murder, Teen Book Review, Serial Killer, Urban Legends

Read more …Alanna’s Review of “All These Bodies” by Kendare Blake

Aila's Review of "The Outsiders" by S. E. Hinton

Review by Aila

October 7, 2021

The Outsiders Hinton

4 stars of 5

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton

Are you a young adult reader looking to get into the classics? Do you like the Sharks vs. the Jets theme in West Side Story? Or do you just love to read in general? Either way, this is the book for you! 

S.E. Hinton's debut novel, The Outsiders, is a coming-of-age novel in first-person perspective from the view of the main character, Ponyboy Curtis. After both of his parents were killed in an automobile crash less than a year before this story takes place, Ponyboy is living with his two older brothers, Sodapop and Darry. Ponyboy is a member of the lower socio-economic group nicknamed the “Greasers,” for their greased-back hair. One night, after a major incident with the Greasers rival group, the “Socs,” short for socials (the West-side rich kids), Ponyboy and one of his closest companions, Johnny, are on the run. 

book review, Coming of Age, Ponyboy, S. E. Hinton, The Outsiders, Classic Literature

Read more …Aila's Review of "The Outsiders" by S. E. Hinton

Sweksha’s Review of “Summer in the City of Roses” by Michelle Ruiz Keil

PREPUBLICATION REVIEW of Advanced Reader Copy by Sweksha

Review Date: June 23, 2021 - Publish Date: July 6, 2021

Summer in the City of Roses

4 stars of 5

Summer in the City of Roses by Michelle Ruiz Keil

Summer in the City of Roses is a young adult fiction novel written by Michelle Ruiz Keil. This story is inspired by a famous greek myth about Iphigenia and a grimm fairytale about her younger brother, Orestes. This novel follows the events after the two siblings are torn apart, plus their struggle to find each other again in early 1990’s Portland. 

teen, book review, YA fiction, mythology, Summer in the City of Roses, Michelle Ruiz Keil, LGBTQ+, siblings, Portland, 1990's, Fairytale

Read more …Sweksha’s Review of “Summer in the City of Roses” by Michelle Ruiz Keil

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