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Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library

friends of the new providence library logo final 2021




The Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to raise awareness and funds, as well as advocate for, the New Providence Memorial Library. 

The Friends' sponsorship includes:

  • the Sunday Concert Series 
  • the Museum Pass program
  • movie licenses to allow the library to screen feature films
  • special events and programming for all ages
  • funding for improvements such as furniture, artwork, shelving

Additionally, the Friends organize the Annual Craft Fair and curate the library's gallery space. 

To become a Friend of the New Providence Memorial Library, make a contribution in one of two ways:

  • Donate to Friends of NPML via PayPal!  You don't need a PayPal account to give.
  • Print the donation page, then mail it and a check to: Friends of the New Providence Memorial Library, 377 Elkwood Ave., New Providence, NJ 07974. Or hand the envelope to staff at the library's front desk.

The Executive Board is always looking for volunteers.  For more information, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Friends of the Library curate the exhibits. To inquire about exhibiting your art or craft work, please send an email to Art Curator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a description of your work, or fill out the online application form.

To learn more about the Friends' activities, attend some of the sponsored events and follow us on Facebook.

Discover, Collaborate, Connect

Your Library is the place to be!

We love seeing so many people in our thriving New Providence community using the Library. Our numbers have never been higher! Whether you come to the library to sit and read, stay and work, attend programs, discuss great books, listen to author talks, meet with special interest groups, borrow materials, or shop in our bookstore, we love seeing you here!

It is clear that our library provides so many things for different groups of people. We appreciate every child, student, teen, adult, and senior who comes through our door and becomes part of our library family. We hope you'll join us!

~ Stacey Maisch, Library Director