Internet / Wireless Network / Public Computer Access Policy
New Providence Memorial Library offers its patrons access to the educational, informational, and recreational resources available on the Internet. The Library does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, or timeliness of material obtained via the Internet. Since it is an unregulated information network, the Internet may provide material that falls outside the scope of the Library's mission and collection development policies.
This policy and applicable state and federal laws apply to Internet use and wireless Internet access through the New Providence Memorial Library’s network. The Library may implement software and hardware control mechanisms to screen out information which the Library may determine to be inconsistent with its mission and service roles. Individual users must determine the suitability and reliability of the materials they access. Library staff does not monitor or supervise Internet access.
Wireless Use
The library’s wifi is a shared bandwidth and connection speeds are not guaranteed. Connection strength may vary within the building. The library assumes no responsibility for any alteration or interference with any wireless devices' configuration, settings, operation, or data files, resulting from connecting to the wireless network. New Providence Memorial Library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft, or loss of any kind to a user’s equipment, software, data files, or other personal property being used on the library’s property. Virus and security protection are the user’s responsibility. The library staff may not configure your computer.
Library staff will answer specific questions about the Internet and will offer suggestions for effective searching and appropriate sites, on both library computers and wireless devices. Due to time constraints, staff members cannot provide extensive individual training on Internet use immediately upon request. Tech help time is reserved each month for more in depth technical assistance.
Children under 18
Regulation of computer access by minors, users under 18 years of age, is the responsibility of their parents or guardians.
Library patrons may sign in for one hour sessions, up to four (4) hours total per day, depending on availability. It is recommended that the patron clicks on the button “End Session” when finished, to end the session that was identified with their barcode.
Who May Use the Public Computers
Persons with New Providence Library cards or valid library cards from nearby libraries can use their library card barcodes to log in. Others may obtain a guest pass.
Responsibilities of Others
Internet access may only be used for legal purposes by the staff and public. The U.S. copyright law (Title 17, USC,) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use". Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs, or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use". Any responsibility for any consequences or copyright infringement lies with the user. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
The Borough of New Providence expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems, or any consequences thereof.
Black and white printing is available from the library computers, in letter or legal size for 25 cents per page. Color printing is available for 50 cents per page. (Single print jobs only. Patrons may use the public BW copier for multiple copies.) Printing is done on a networked printer. To print, printing jobs that have been sent to the print queue have to be “released” (printed) by the library staff, upon the patron’s request after payment has been given. Unclaimed, unprinted jobs in the print queue are deleted overnight.
1. Users may download public domain files to their own storage media. The Library is not responsible for damage to a storage media or computer system that may result from viruses contracted through downloads. All files saved on the hard drives of the library’s public computers are deleted overnight.
2. Users may not make any attempt to alter software configurations, or alter or damage equipment or software. Vandalism to the Library's Internet system including hardware, software, and data, will result in termination of user privileges and potential legal action.
3. Users may not make any effort to improve or degrade system performance.
4. The Library reserves the right to terminate a session at any time.
Revised April 20, 2010; April 16, 2019; May 17, 2016; November 21, 2023
New Providence Memorial Library offers its patrons access to the educational, informational, and recreational resources available on the Internet. The Library does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, or timeliness of material obtained via the Internet. Since it is an unregulated information network, the Internet may provide material that falls outside the scope of the Library's mission and collection development policies.
This policy and applicable state and federal laws apply to Internet use and wireless Internet access through the New Providence Memorial Library’s network. The Library may implement software and hardware control mechanisms to screen out information which the Library may determine to be inconsistent with its mission and service roles. Individual users must determine the suitability and reliability of the materials they access. Library staff does not monitor or supervise Internet access.
Wireless Use
The wireless is a shared bandwidth and connection speeds are not guaranteed. Connection strength may vary within the building. The library assumes no responsibility for any alteration or interference with any wireless devices' configuration, settings, operation, or data files, resulting from connecting to the wireless network. New Providence Memorial Library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft, or loss of any kind to a user’s equipment, software, data files, or other personal property being used on the library’s property. Virus and security protection are the user’s responsibility. The library staff may not configure your computer.
Library staff will answer specific questions about the Internet and will offer suggestions for effective searching and appropriate sites, on both library computers and wireless devices. Due to time constraints, staff members cannot provide extensive individual training on Internet use immediately upon request. Tech help time is reserved each month for more in depth technical assistance.
Children under 18
Regulation of access by minors, users under 18 years of age, is the responsibility of their parents or guardians.
Library patrons may sign in for one hour sessions, up to four (4) hours total per day, depending on availability. It is recommended that the patron clicks on the button “End Session” when finished, to end the session that was identified with their barcode.
Who May Use the Public Computers
Persons with New Providence Library cards or valid library cards from nearby libraries can use their library card barcodes to log in. Others may obtain a guest pass.
Responsibilities of Others
Internet access may only be used for legal purposes by the staff and public. The U.S. copyright law (Title 17, USC,) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use". Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs, or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use". Any responsibility for any consequences or copyright infringement lies with the user. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
The Borough of New Providence expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems, or any consequences thereof.
Black and white printing is available from the library computers, in letter or legal size for 20 cents per page. Color printing is available for 50 cents per page. Printing is done on a networked printer. To print, printing jobs that have been sent to the print queue have to be “released” (printed) by the library staff, upon the patron’s request. Unclaimed, unprinted jobs in the print queue are deleted overnight.
- Users may download public domain files to their own storage media. The Library is not responsible for damage to a storage media or computer system that may result from viruses contracted through downloads. All files saved on the hard drives of the library’s public computers are deleted overnight.
- Users may not make any attempt to alter software configurations, or alter or damage equipment or software. Vandalism to the Library's Internet system including hardware, software, and data, will result in termination of user privileges and potential legal action.
- Users may not make any effort to improve or degrade system performance.
- The Library reserves the right to terminate a session at any time.
Revised: April 16, 2019 Revised: May 17, 2016 Prior Revision: April 20, 2010