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Non-Resident Library Use Policy

1.     Non-residents over the age of eighteen who can submit evidence of full-time employment in the Borough of New Providence are eligible for a free borrowing card, with privileges to borrow physical materials from the New Providence Memorial Library, subject to annual re-registration.  The privileges of the Non-Resident borrowing card are limited to materials in the New Providence Library.  The card is not valid at any other library.

2.    Taxpaying non-residents must submit proof of residence in New Providence for at least six months of the year to be eligible for a full-access resident card (NP business owners, etc.).  Lacking this qualification, the non-resident fee must be paid.

3.    Non-residents who do not hold a resident card from a library with which New Providence Memorial Library has a reciprocal borrowing agreement (MAIN, MUF, MURAL) may obtain a non-resident borrowing card for a fee of $250.00, to be renewed annually.

4.     Cardholding patrons of libraries with which New Providence Memorial Library has a formal reciprocal borrowing agreement may enjoy borrowing privileges free of charge as long as that agreement is in effect. This applies to cardholders in MUF, MURAL and MAIN.

Approved November 19, 1991; Revised June 15, 2010; Revised November 21, 2023

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It is clear that our library provides so many things for different groups of people. We appreciate every child, student, teen, adult, and senior who comes through our door and becomes part of our library family. We hope you'll join us!

~ Stacey Maisch, Library Director