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Library Conduct Policy

To provide a safe, clean, and pleasant library environment conducive to reading and learning for all library patrons, the Board of Trustees of the New Providence Memorial Public Library has adopted the following rules of conduct:

The following are prohibited on library grounds:

  • Interfering with another person’s use of the library or with library personnel’s performance of their duties. This includes entering into employee/staff-only areas
  • Threatening or physically harming library staff or patrons
  • Abusive language to library staff or other patrons
  • Disruptive, unlawful, or other inappropriate behavior
  • Eating, including no snacks of any kind
  • Drinking liquids in open cups. All beverages must be contained in closed, spill-proof containers. (No drinks are permitted near the public computers.)
  • Smoking or using alcohol, tobacco products or controlled dangerous substances
  • Sleeping in the library
  • Misusing the library building and/or its facilities (e.g., using the library restrooms as a laundry or washing facility, or otherwise impeding the ability of staff or other patrons to use the restroom)
  • Physical obstruction of aisles, stairs or traffic corridors
  • Filming or recording on library premises without prior consent from any individuals present. Anyone filming must obtain permission from all individuals (including in the background) before posting to any social media platform.
  • Sexual conduct
  • Bodily hygiene that is so offensive that it interferes with another person’s use of the library or with the library personnel’s performance of their duties including diaper changing that should be done in the Family Bathroom
  • Improper use or vandalism of computer equipment
  • Carrying a weapon into the library unless authorized by law
  • Bringing animals into the library except for trained assistance or therapy animals
  • Defacement of property
  • Skateboarding or rollerblading or other similar activities.
  • Leaving belongings unattended. (Please note: unattended belongings are subject to removal without notice.)
  • No solicitation or transactions involving the exchange of money or payment for services
  • Leaving Children age 10 or under unattended in the library. Please see also Unaccompanied Children & Patrons with Special Needs Policy


  • The Library does not provide or endorse any tutors or coaches. Their clients are responsible to perform background checks and reference checks as part of the hiring process. The library accepts no responsibility in this regard. Adults who are authorized to be with the child, may not leave the child until the parent or guardian takes responsibility in person for the child. The library staff members are not responsible for unattended children.
  • Tutoring activity is limited to areas with tables and chairs only. It is not permitted in areas designated as Quiet Areas meant for reading, in the stacks, on the floor, or at the public computers. The Library reserves the right to relocate groups within the Library.
  • The Library is not responsible for personal property, including cell phones, laptops, iPads, handbags, etc. It is the responsibility of the owner to safeguard personal belongings.
  • Library users may not publish or distribute advertisements, letters or electronic communication indicating the library as their place of business, or otherwise imply library sponsorship of their activities. Any materials for display or distribution must be approved by the Library Director.
  • Chairs and tables in any area of the library are available on a first-come basis. Patrons can expect to share a table or a space with others as needed. Tables may not be reserved.  Furniture must not be moved.

The Library is a quiet space where people come to study and read.  Please be respectful of other patrons.  Voices and noise should allow activities to continue without unreasonable interference. If short cell phone or zoom conversations are necessary, please keep voices low and only in areas where your conversation will not disturb others.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in Kreimer v. Morristown, 958 F.2d 1242 (3d Cir. 1992), states “The Library’s goal is served by its requirement that its patrons have non-offensive bodily hygiene, as this rule prohibits one patron from unreasonably interfering with other patrons’ use and enjoyment of the library; it further promotes the Library’s interest in maintaining its facilities in a sanitary and attractive condition.”

Disciplinary Policy

A patron who persists in disruptive behavior will be asked to leave the building and grounds, and will have his/her library privileges suspended as follows:

  • 1st Offense – Up to Two Weeks
  • 2nd Offense – One Month
  • 3rd Offense – One Year

If a patron is removed from the library premises by the police department as a result of one or more infractions of the Rules of Conduct, the removal will accelerate the disciplinary steps and may result in an immediate one year ban of the patron from library property.  A review of the decision will take place at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees or as soon as possible after receipt of the request. A patron’s suspension will remain in effect until the review is completed.

A patron whose privileges have been suspended may have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees, upon written request. The request must be delivered by mail, and be postmarked no more than thirty days after the suspension began. A review of the decision will take place at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees or as soon as possible after receipt of the request. A patron’s suspension will remain in effect until the review is completed.

Adopted June 18, 2019: revised September 21, 2021; revised November 21, 2023


Discover, Collaborate, Connect

Your Library is the place to be!

We love seeing so many people in our thriving New Providence community using the Library. Our numbers have never been higher! Whether you come to the library to sit and read, stay and work, attend programs, discuss great books, listen to author talks, meet with special interest groups, borrow materials, or shop in our bookstore, we love seeing you here!

It is clear that our library provides so many things for different groups of people. We appreciate every child, student, teen, adult, and senior who comes through our door and becomes part of our library family. We hope you'll join us!

~ Stacey Maisch, Library Director