Donations and Gifts Policy
Monetary donations to the Library are gratefully accepted. We accept unrestricted donations to be used where it will do the most good. Or, a donor may specify how they would like their donation to be used (ie: for the purchase of new books, for new library furnishings, for library programming, or for specific collections like Children’s Fiction, Adult Nonfiction, or even a specified subject area.) We have an available donation form near the front desk for this purpose. If you require a tax exempt receipt, please donate directly to the Friends of the Library as the 501(c)3 for our Library.
Donations to the Bookstore
The library will accept books and materials only if they are in excellent condition for sale in the AfterWords bookstore. Selected new items may be added to the library’s collection at the discretion of the collection development librarians. All proceeds from the bookstore are used to enhance the programs and collections of the New Providence Memorial Library. Donated items are limited to 25 per day.
These items will not be accepted
- Items that are tattered, yellowed, musty, stained
- Items that are highlighted, written in, or that have loose pages
- Books previously discarded from libraries
- Paperbacks that are obviously worn
- Textbooks
- Encyclopedia sets
- Readers Digest Condensed Books
- Computer software and computer manuals
- VHS tapes
- DVDs
- CDs
Donations that are welcome include
- Books about New Providence or New Jersey history
- Recent fiction/nonfiction books in excellent condition
- Paperbacks that are like new
- Children’s books in excellent condition
After checking the materials with the circulation desk staff, items should be brought to the bottom of the stairs. The library will not affix a value for income tax purposes to any gift accepted; this is the responsibility of the donor. The library staff will, on request, provide a form to record the number of items for the donor’s records.
Approved September 20, 2005; Revised September 17, 2013, Revised November 21, 2023