Fee Policy
The New Providence Memorial Library is a Fine-Free Library. This means that no daily overdue fines will be charged to patrons. All books will be auto-renewed if there are no patron holds on the items. We ask that all patrons please respect the borrowing limits set by the library and return items within the due dates.
- Printing from the public computers: $0.25 per BW pg; $0.50 per color pg
- Earbuds: $3.00 (purchase)
- Proctoring: $10.00 per exam for residents and $20.00 per exam for non-residents
- Museum Pass Extended-Use Fee: $2 per day past the 1-week loan period
Overdue notification and collection for lost items
Overdue Notices are sent to all patrons according to the following schedule:
1. An Overdue Notice will be mailed fourteen (14) days after the due date.
2. A second Overdue Notice for all patrons will be mailed twenty eight (28) days after the due date, itemizing materials outstanding, dates due and replacement value of the items.
3. For patrons who opt for e-mail notification, a notice will be e-mailed fourteen (14) days. A second notice will be mailed twenty-eight (28) days after the due date.
4. A letter or email will be issued two (2) months after the due date alerting the patron that the book or item is now considered lost. This letter will inform the patron that they owe the replacement value of the item. Borrowing privileges will be restored when materials are returned and/or lost book fees are paid. Only cash or check accepted.
Collection of fees: Fees will be collected by the circulation desk staff based on the established policy rates. Receipts will be issued upon request.
Charges for damaged library materials
For all physical materials, any damage to the extent that the item must be replaced = replacement cost of item
Charges for lost library materials
- If the patron doesn’t find their missing materials within 2 months, they will be responsible for the replacement cost of the materials.
- The library will purchase replacements of all materials. We will not accept replacement items in lieu of money from patrons.
- The patron will be restored to good standing when materials are returned and fees are paid.
Approved June 17, 2008, Revised December 19, 2017, Revised May 18, 2021, Revised November 16, 2021, Revised November 21, 2023