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Donating Books

Many people ask us: What is the best way to donate books?

Below are a few great options, depending on what materials you have, and how much. 

AfterWords Bookstore

The bookstore is located in the library's basement. All proceeds from sales directly benefit the New Providence Memorial Library.

The library's AfterWords Bookstore accepts donations of books in excellent condition.

We gratefully accept:

  • Recent Fiction & Nonfiction (published within the last 10 years)
  • Children’s Books
  • Like-new Paperbacks
  • Audiobooks on CD

Please leave donations in the bins located at the bottom of the basement stairs, through the gray door in the Children's Room. Please do not leave donations outside.

AfterWords DOES NOT accept: DVDs, CDs, magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks, test prep books, computer books, books printed before 2004, paperbacks with creased spines, books with yellowed pages, books with spots along the paper edges, books that have torn pages or pages with stains, books that smell musty, books that have been written in or highlighted, discarded library books. Unfortunately, these books do not sell well and space in the bookstore is limited. 

AfterWords Bookstore Hours:

  • Mon/Tues/Thurs    10am - 8pm
  • Wed/Fri/Sat          10am - 4pm
  • Sun                       1pm - 4pm

Better World Books 

The Better World Books bin is the green bin in the back of the library's parking lot. Proceeds from these donations go to Better World Books with a small percentage going back to the New Providence Memorial Library as a donation bin location.

Better World Books accepts BOOKS ONLY. Please take books OUT of bags and boxes and insert them into the slot in the front of the bin. If the bin is full, please come back a week later to donate. DO NOT leave materials on the ground outside, as anything left outside cannot be picked up, and must be disposed of as garbage.

Veterans Groups Pick Up at Your Home

For very large donations, like after an estate sale, you can call one of the veterans groups below to schedule a pickup at your home. Proceeds from these donations go directly to the veterans group.


Pickup Please 

Condition of Book Donations

Books MUST BE DRY in order to be donated to ANY of the above organizations. Wet paper cannot be recycled, so if books have become wet from a flood or from weather, they must be discarded as garbage. Please make every effort to keep books dry in order to donate.





Discover, Collaborate, Connect

Your Library is the place to be!

We love seeing so many people in our thriving New Providence community using the Library. Our numbers have never been higher! Whether you come to the library to sit and read, stay and work, attend programs, discuss great books, listen to author talks, meet with special interest groups, borrow materials, or shop in our bookstore, we love seeing you here!

It is clear that our library provides so many things for different groups of people. We appreciate every child, student, teen, adult, and senior who comes through our door and becomes part of our library family. We hope you'll join us!

~ Stacey Maisch, Library Director